Participant Expectations

Please review the Code of Conduct and Etiquette Guide to understand RECON culture and how to interact with our global and diverse community.

Code of Conduct

RECON is an open, professional forum to explore the world of escape rooms and immersive gaming. We encourage deep discussion, skepticism, and disagreement while working through ideas. However, insulting or harassing anyone at RECON is strictly forbidden.

Harassment based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability, or professional competition will not be tolerated.

We have adopted PAX’s definition of harassment.

PAX Definition of Harassment

Harassment: Verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse.

  1. Sexual Harassment: The following actions are considered inappropriate and may be considered sexual harassment.
    • Teasing, jokes, innuendo, photos/images, gestures of a sexual/unwanted nature.
    • Touching or grabbing of a sexual nature.
    • Repeatedly standing too close to or brushing up against a person.
    • Giving gifts of a sexual/unwanted nature
  2. Physical Harassment: Physical contact in an unwanted way toward another individual.
  3. Psychological Harassment: Unwarranted hostile behavior, threats, or intimidation made toward another individual.

The code of conduct applies to everyone in attendance at RECON, including but not limited to participants, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and staff.

Harassment can be reported by anyone to RECON management, who will be easily identifiable during the event.

RECON embraces conflict de-escalation. If harassment is reported to RECON management, we will immediately and privately have individual conversations with both parties. If you are asked to stop what we perceive to be harassing behavior, we expect you to comply immediately. If the behavior persists we reserve the right to expel you immediately from the event and social channels, and refer the incident to the proper authorities.

All are welcome at RECON. Escape rooms and immersive games are for everyone. Live and let live. We’re all here for knowledge and fun – let’s keep it that way.

Etiquette Guide

Abide by the RECON Code of Conduct at all times.

Always respect the views of others, even if you have differing opinions. We encourage positive debate.

Please do not:

deal unlocked

BUY YOUR TICKET BY MAY 1ST — get priority session selection for Imagi-Ne’er-Do-Wells and The 49 Boxes.